1. Be proactive and not reactive:” whether I succeed or fail, shall be no man’s doing, but my own” (Elaine Maxwell). Students please understand that you are the captain of your life; you are in the driver’s seat of your destiny, not just a passenger.
2. Begin with the end in mind: You draw up a blue print before you build a house. Control your destiny with a blue print or someone else will.
3. Put first things first: It is all about learning to prioritize and manage your time. In other words what is most important, get it done first.
4. Think Win-Win: “The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you are still a rat” (Lilly Tomlin). Think win-win is an attitude toward life, a mental frame of mind that says that I can win, and so can you. It’s not me or you, but it’s both of us. It is the foundation for getting along with other people. It begins with the belief that we are all equal, that no one is inferior or superior to anyone else, and no one really needs to be.
5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood: “Listen or your tongue will make you deaf.” (Red Indian proverb) If you really want to understand, avoid the following: spacing out, pretend listening, selective listening, judging, advising, instead listen to understand; listen actively.
6. Synergize: “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” (Helen Keller). Synergy is achieved when two or more people work together to create a better solution than either could alone. It’s not my way or your way, but a better way: the high way. It means celebrating differences, teamwork, being open minded, finding new, better solutions.
7. Sharpen the saw: “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining”. (John F. Kennedy). It is about keeping yourself sharp. It’s about renewing yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually: your body (exercise, eating well, sleep, and relaxation), your mind (read, learn, and write), and your heart (relationships, service, and laughter), and your soul (keep a journal, meditate, pray, attend church)


“When our wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when our health is lost, something is lost, when our character is lost, all is lost” (Anonymous). Character is those positive qualities that speak of who we are and the kind of person we want to be.
That’s why SJIA has provided you with this supplement. We want to help you succeed, make responsible choices and be proactive in coming face to face with the challenges of daily life. The following is designed to give you an edge – to do something meaningful, to be effective, to be remembered, to become a leader in this world.
Good character doesn’t grow on trees. You need to work at it, make it a conscious choice of your will. The following pages can act as your compass to a better you. There is always room for improvement, right?
Responsible : obliged or expected to account for.
Self-control : controlling one’s actions and responses
Punctual : on time or prompt
Initiative : Readiness to take the first steps in beginning a
project or action.
Creative : original thinking to produce something new.
Self-respect : taking pride in and caring for one.
Optimistic : looking at the bright side of situations.
Perseverance : sticking to a purpose or aim
Dependable : can be counted on to fulfill one’s obligations and
Economical : showing wise use of money, resources, and time.
Gracious : showing kindness or courtesy
Ambitious : having a strong determination to accomplish a
Goal, vision, mission
Courageous : ability to face problems directly
Resourceful : able to think of creative ways to do things.
Joyful : showing happiness and optimism
Respect : to have high regard for, to hold in esteem, to treat
with courtesy and consideration
Patient : enduring calmly without complaining or losing self-control
Tolerance : willing to accept people and opinions that are different,
Honest : truthful, not lying, cheating or stealing.
Thankful : feeling and expressing gratitude
Polite : demonstrating good manners
Considerate : thoughtful of other people’s wants and feelings
Generous : willing to share with others
Cheerful : full of cheer, joyful, glad
Loyal : faithful to one’s family, friends, or other
Empathetic : complete understanding of another’s feeling
Citizenship : carrying out the duties and responsibilities to one’s
Trustworthy : belief in the truthfulness and integrity of a person.
Good Sport : treating opponents with fairness and courtesy
Cooperative : able to work with others to accomplish a task

Remember, if you are looking for a quick-fix in character development, you are wrong. It is a long term project. Challenge yourself. Commit to working on 2 or 3 of your favorite character traits over every two month. Write them down, stick to your plan, evaluate your progress periodically and make the adjustment as needed.
As you get older, life doesn’t get any easier. Your character is going to meet plenty of challenges if you plan to live a rewarding life doing what you want to do. Like an old tree, you’ll weather some terrific storms. A solid character will ground you in the midst of the uncertainties of life. BEST OF LUCK TO YOU.


DISCOVER : who you are and what you want to be- mission is
your unique purpose
PLAN : to achieve your goals- set them as specific, action
oriented, measurable, realistic and timely as possible
DO : it just because you can, believe that you can. Write
them down , prioritize and schedule, do it and check and


To be successful you will need many skills in the world of work. Here are a few that employers consistently say are capabilities they seek in applicants.
1. Communication skills
a. Listen to understand others’ meaning and perspective
b. Speak clearly and communicate your ideas with confidence
c. Read to gather information quickly and efficiently
d. Write clearly and effectively, keeping in mind order and structure
2. Thinking skills
Think critically and evaluate situations, choices and solutions
Use logic effectively in planning and problem-solving
Know the principles of mathematics and apply them.
Understand and use technology, computers, and information systems
Seek out and apply knowledge: research information from diverse sources
3. Personal qualities
Be honest, have a high degree of integrity and responsibility
Have a positive attitude, along with confidence and self-esteem
Be hard-working, persistent and determined
Show initiative and energy
Demonstrate track record of setting and meeting goals
Posses the ability to manage time and resources efficiently
Understand how to set priorities and plan accordingly
Demonstrate accountability
Adapt to change… commit to life-long learning
Respect diversity and difference
Be creative: seek new and innovative solutions.
Interpersonal/teamwork skills
Respect others’ ideas and opinions
Show ability to work cooperatively with team members
Understand and commit to corporate goals
Seek to develop and improve teamwork
Demonstrate leadership qualities.


Analytical Thinking
Mathematical and scientific reasoning
Personal integrity
Technology skills
Career planning