a. Students must speak only English on the campus for practice.
b. School Time 09.30am to 03.30pm.
c. Every student participates at least in two clubs.
d. If parent has complaints in relation to the education of the children they must give it in writing to the principal to ensure possible correction.
e. School information will be transmitted to the parents through SMS.
f. Students are requested to read aloud 10 minutes daily at home. Read 2 books a month minimum from the library.
g. Assignment book must be signed by parents daily.
h. Students are not allowed to ride on Scooter/motorbikes to school.
i. Students are not allowed to drive without License.
j. Students are not use alcoholic beverages and other intoxicating drinks at any time.
k. Students are not permitted to leave the school campus between the school hours without the permission of school authorities.
l. Use of Mobile Phones and other electrical devices are strictly prohibited in the school campus. Strict action will be taken against the violators.
m. Only staff & school vehicles are permitted on campus.
n. Any student violating the above rules, will face serious and strict action including dismissal from school.