1. The mission of St. Joseph International School (SJIS) is to challenge our students to excellence, to promote a climate of respect and support, and to facilitate the growth of the latent talents and innate abilities of our students so that they live healthy, happy, peaceful and positive lives characterized by reflection, wonder, social responsibility, daring and enthusiasm for lifelong reading and learning.

SJIS instructs  our students to be able to set high, but realistic goals, think critically, develop a passion for reading, show respect for labor, develop self-dependence, self-confidence and self-respect, encourage human rights, protect the environment, develop spiritually, physically and mentally, communicate effectively, act responsibly, work collaboratively, fight against global warming, effectively use current technologies, maintain a global perspective, contribute positively, accept challenges, value learning, strive for excellence, discover joy in learning and in life and become leaders in their respective fields through team spirit and hard work. Yes indeed, we mean an all-round personality development of our student. This is the “Excellence In Education” we mean by the words in Our Motto.

In order to accomplish  the above mentioned personality development, the following will be capitalized.


  1. Academic excellence including but not limited to English Speaking, reading, writing, comprehension, grammar, composition,  Math,  Science,  Computers, social science,
  2. Personality development mainly emphasizing development of creativity, communication skills, character, observation skill, self-confidence, self expression, self respect, determination, curiosity, good manners, sportsmanship, hard work, reading habiting , writing skills
  3. Development of at least one hundred Socially Responsible Leaders.
  4. Training for various civil service and other competitive examinations like (IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS etc.), MBBS, Engineering etc.
  5. Development of a healthy, clean life style (balanced meal, physical exercise, enough rest, organized and disciplined life style).
  6. Development of a successful lifestyle lead by goal setting and time table for the day.

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