 Parents must facilitate that this Hand Book/School Diary be brought to the school every day and point out to students that violations may cause loses of points for responsibility/ fines.
 Parents/guardians must carefully and regularly go through this book, note and sign any remark given by those concerned and take suitable action and acknowledge the remarks made by the teachers/staff within two days. If not, students will have to be put to the inconvenience of returning home for the report.
 Each parent must read this Hand Book carefully and discuss the concepts contained herein with the students helping them to understand thoroughly and put them into practice in daily life. Read carefully the chapter on Character Development.
 Parents may explain to the students the meaning and importance of the quote from Zig Zigler on the top of the Message from the Director.
 Parents should carefully fill in the details on the Personal Memorandum page and return it to the office as directed.
 Parents should read and if needed, fill out the school transportation section carefully and return it to the office immediately after the admission of the child.
 Parents should use the “leave record” form in order to avail leave for their child. Leave should be taken only in case of emergencies. In case of sickness, medical certificate must be produced. The leave letter and medical records must be reached in the office no later than second day of the absence.

 Absence on the re-opening day or after the terminal holidays is normally not permitted except for serious reasons.
 A pupil who is absent without leave sanction for 5 consecutive working days from the date of the re-opening of the school will be removed from the rolls unless for serious reasons.
 A student who is absent for 15 consecutive working days in a year without leave sanction will be removed from the rolls. Re-admission is at the desecration of the Principal.
 Parents should not visit the class rooms during class hours.
 Parents are requested to see that their child follows the rules and regulations of the school strictly, as they are in the best interest of the child. Any breach of discipline or disrespect to staff will be viewed seriously.
 Parents who want, in case of emergencies, to take their child home during working hours should come in person and get the permission from the Principal by submitting a written request duly signed.
 No child will be sent home with another person without a written authorization letter from the parent.
 Parents are requested not to send their children to school in case they are suffering from contagious or infectious diseases.
 Parents’ discussion meetings will be held periodically and the attendance by all the parents is earnestly solicited
 Promotion of students solely depends on the promotion criteria
 In case of loss of School Diary, ID card, Report Card, it should be bought again on payment without delay, along with a written request from the parent to the Principal.
 Progress report cards on academics and conduct are prepared at the end of each mid-term, term and terminal examination for parents’ perusal and signature. Parents/guardian must come to your child’s classroom on appointed day and see it, discuss it with your student’s teacher. You will give it back with signature to the class teacher. If you do not come, you are embarrassing the student. Principal will be available at his office for further discussion if needed.
 Parents should avoid criticizing the teachers or the school in front of the students. Any legitimate complaint should be addressed to the principal.
 Parents are requested to notify the change of address, if any, immediately to the Principal.
 Irregular attendance, frequent late coming, idleness, disobedience, contempt of authority, injurious conduct to the moral tone of the school, and joining any association without the consent of the Principal will lead to the dismissal of the student from the school.
 Any damage of the school properties by any student is to be compensated by the concerned student.
 Assignment book must be signed by parents daily.